AIM Data Catalogue

All properties and sub-properties of :


Number of rows: 5
Property Sub-Property ID Type Description Note Reference Accuracy Integrity Origin type Pub. Resolution Chart Resolution ADQ HL-Ref IFR Accuracy IFR Integrity VFR Accuracy VFR Integrity NatDqr Reference
Name587TextThe name of the GNSS element (GPS, GBAS, GLONASS, EGNOS, MSAS, WAAS, etc.) Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.1; Annex 4
Frequency588ValueFrequency of the GNSSas appropriateDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.1; Annex 4
Service area589PolygonGeographical location of the GNSS service areaDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.3
Coverage area590PolygonGeographical location of the GNSS coverage areaDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.3
Operating authority591TextName of the operating authority of the facilityDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.3.4
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