Property | Sub-Property | ID | Type | Description | Note | Reference | Accuracy | Integrity | Origin type | Pub. Resolution | Chart Resolution | ADQ HL-Ref | IFR Accuracy | IFR Integrity | VFR Accuracy | VFR Integrity | NatDqr Reference |
Name, contact information and description of the authorities responsible for search and rescue. | 742 | AIP GEN 3.6.1 | |||||||||||||||
ICAO documents on which the service is based. | 743 | AIP GEN 3.6.1 | |||||||||||||||
Area of responsibility | 744 | AIP GEN 3.6.2 | |||||||||||||||
Types of services | 745 | AIP GEN 3.6.5 | |||||||||||||||
Information on SAR agreements | 746 | AIP GEN 3.6.4 | |||||||||||||||
Brief description on provisions for SAR including general conditions under which the service and facilities are available for international use, including an indication of whether a facility available for search and rescue is specialized in SAR techniques and functions, or is specially used for other purposes but adapted for SAR purposes by training and equipment, or is only occasionally available and has no particular training or preparation for SAR work. | 747 | AIP GEN 3.6.5 | |||||||||||||||
Procedures and signals employed by rescue aircraft and also the signals to be used by survivors. | 748 | AIP GEN 3.6.5 | |||||||||||||||
Alerting service for VFR flights - including flights partly VFR and NVFR flights | 1011 | VFRM | VFR RAC 1.2 |